Azat Manukyan
Azat Manukyan
Partner, Advisory

Grant Thornton Consulting CJSC


Azat holds a position of Advisory Partner in Grant Thornton Armenia. Since 2019 he has taken the role of the executive director at Grant Thornton Advisory LLC (Mongolia), and his key responsibilities include development and implementation of corporate strategies, identification of new account opportunities, maintaining and further strengthening client relationships, planning and supervision assignments.

Azat has more than 15 years of professional experience in all aspects of financial management, focused on financial and management reporting, business planning and budgeting, financial controlling, performance analysis and management accounting. Azat has an extensive practical experience in preparing and analyzing financial statements based on IFRS requirements, in developing management information reports for decision making and a solid experience in treasury operations, projects management and processes optimization and documentation. The main sectors of his experience are banking, telecommunication, IT.

Throughout his professional career Azat has managed processes and policies development projects, accounting and international financial reporting standards (particularly IFRS 9) implementation in financial institutions in Armenia, Egypt, Tunisia, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia and Tajikistan, as well as has conducted business valuation, management consulting, business plan and feasibility studies.

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Azat Manukyan
Partner, Advisory,
Grant Thornton Consulting CJSC

Այս դասընթացի նպատակն է բիզնեսի ղեկավարներին և մենեջերներին զինել գիտելիքներով և գործիքներով, որոնք անհրաժեշտ են կորպորատիվ ռազմավարություններն արդյունավետորեն պլանավորելու, մշակելու և իրականացնելու համար, ինչը կխթանի աճն ու կայունությունը: